One of the preeminent challenges of our time is to stop and then reverse the impacts of climate change. While it is widely recognized that the key to stopping climate change is to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel emissions, the world is not on track to accomplish this task in a timely manner. While renewable energy (RE) is now generally less expensive than fossil fuel (FF) energy for electricity generation, the rapid rise in deployment of RE has not yet led to a global decrease of FF use. Furthermore, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who live in “energy poverty” and it is imperative that they are brought out of this poverty using clean renewable energy rather than dirty fossil fuels.
While many organizations are working on developing and deploying renewable energy, the Resilient Futures Consortium is focusing on a small set of critical initiatives that will help unleash the potential of renewable energy and allow it to rapidly replace fossil fuel energy for existing energy demand in addition to its current role of supplying energy for new demand. These initiates will also help make clean, reliable, and affordable energy available to everyone, everywhere.